9921 Coldwater Rd. - Ft. Wayne, IN 46825
P 260.218.0500 T 574.773.4174

Monday    Noon-6pm
Tuesday    Noon-6pm
Wednesday    Noon-6pm
Thursday    Closed
Friday   Noon-6pm
$35 Walk-In Clinic
No Appointment Needed

Welcome to Holystic Health, SSM. Thanks for checking us out for your spinal health needs. We have the goal of providing the best spinal assessments available to help members heal and restore their bodies from symptoms such as neck and back pain, headaches and many more.

Our bodies are not just a collection of parts such as a back, a leg, a gut, etc. Our bodies are a synchronous unit (meaning everything works together at the same time) made up of body systems such as muscular, immune, skeletal, digestive etc. That is the reason why one thing can affect every other thing. When all of our bodily systems are working in harmony and as God designed, we have vibrant health and a positive and clear mind. When our bodily systems are not functioning well, life can become physically challenging and mentally distressing.

Spinal care is primarily how those who have studied chiropractic help people's bodies heal and achieve restoration. When a person's spinal health is improved, then the nervous system is working at a higher level therefore having a positive impact on all bodily systems.

We are a walk-in only clinic.

Holystic Health, SSM
9921 Coldwater Rd.
Ft. Wayne, In 46825
​ 260.218.0500